Neglecting to create a personal brand is one of the top mistakes you can make as a job seeker. A personal brand allows you to show the world what you are all about. By building a personal brand it can highlight the skills and qualities that differentiate you from the competition. Today we will discuss how to create a compelling personal brand.

Identify your Personal Branding Target
Your job search must be targeted. You need to know where you want to go.
“I want to work in finance” is way too broad. From that statement, you could be a bank teller, auditor, accountant, or events and finance coordinator. Even if you are looking for a leadership role or an executive role, you need to clarify what area and what direction you want to go.
Putting the word “finance” in LinkedIn’s search and adding the filter Executive delivered 12,895 results.
You can’t be everything to everyone
You need to focus. Honing your search down to the smallest target will yield better results.
Define your personal branding
You can’t communicate where you want to go until you figure out what you want to do. Be specific and define what you like and don’t like in your work. Create your own personal branding action plan.
Your resume and LinkedIn profile need to focus on your message, your main goal. Be consistent in your messaging and you are much more likely to hit your target and be memorable. Throw in all of the possible options and positions you can play and you won’t be picked for the team.
What are you a champion of in your industry or skillset?
Craft your message and content on LinkedIn to show your expertise. Give helpful pointers and actionable steps focused on the expertise you have in the field. You have never had a better time to do research. Ask Google or Siri. You can pretty much find information on any topic today.
Then communicate your information with storytelling. It doesn’t have to be complex. Sound like you are talking to your best friend, sharing information and new concepts. What is your story?
How do I share my personal brand?
It is always trial and error. You never know what will catch the interest of the LinkedIn audience but be personable and authentic. People are drawn to people that are approachable and friendly.
The famous Zig Ziglar quote is also true when you communicate on LinkedIn:
You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
Help someone else. Educate. Share knowledge. Not in a puffed-up, know-it-all way but naturally and by being friendly.
How does this lead to my dream job?
When you show up regularly as the expert in your niche market, people will come to recognize you for those talents. You will become the go-to person for this expertise.
At some point, you will need to define your target market, your ideal workplace, and hone in on connecting with the right people to help you find a role doing what you love.
If you are willing to put in the time and energy to articulate your value and create content that shows your understanding of the market you desire, you will end up with people who see you as the expert who is willing to share his or her knowledge.
Finding out what you love will lead you to finding your dream job.
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